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The Company has received a positive ESIA binding statement from the Czech Ministry of Environment, which approves the environmental and social conditions set out in the ESIA. This is the culmination of a four-year process, where 14 separate government authorities were required to provide a positive opinion on the Company’s ESIA, after which the ESIA was open to a public commentary period. No comments were received from the public, NGOs or regional municipalities during this period, demonstrating the excellent stakeholder engagement processes managed by the Company’s local Czech team.

The approval of the ESIA is the key gating permit from which subsequent permits can follow, including the Land Planning Permit and the Construction Permit. Receipt of the ESIA also allows the Company to progress to the final determination of the Mining Lease for the Project.

Euro Manganese is a battery materials company focused on becoming a leading producer of high-purity manganese for the electric vehicle industry. The Company is advancing development of the Chvaletice Manganese Project in the Czech Republic and pursuing an opportunity to produce battery-grade manganese products in Bécancour, Québec.The Chvaletice Project is a unique waste-to-value recycling and remediation opportunity involving reprocessing old tailings from a decommissioned mine. It is also the only sizable resource of manganese in the European Union, strategically positioning the Company to provide battery supply chains with critical raw materials to support the global shift to a circular, low-carbon economy.Euro Manganese is dual listed on the TSX.V and the ASX, and is also traded on the OTCQX.Authorized for release by the CEO of Euro Manganese Inc.Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) or the ASX accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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