Jaroslav Reif


Head of Department of State Mineral Policy
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic

Session 1: Driving Europe’s Raw Materials Independence
22 October 2024 / 09:30 - 11:00 | Ballroom

Perspectives of the mining industry of the Czech Republic

We are currently in a transitional and very turbulent period of searching for the speed of greening of industry while maintaining the competitiveness and profitability of Czech mining and industrial capacities. A number of steps towards carbon neutrality pose major challenges in the restructuring of the mining industry. It is difficult to find a sensible approach to change that does not at the same time destroy the industrial capacities built by our grandfathers and fathers, but flexibly replaces this industry with new technologies. We will certainly not accept that companies in the Czech Republic will lose skills by closing or relocating industrial capacities outside the Czech Republic. The close intimacy of the mining and energy industries requires a comprehensive knowledge base of decision makers who plan mining and energy infrastructure for generations to come. New challenges in the form of the simultaneous Russian invasion of Ukraine require diversification of the supply of critical and strategic raw materials, including the commencement of their extraction on the territory of the Czech Republic, which has lithium, manganese and other prospective areas for a whole pleiad of critical raw materials.