Veronika Strnadova


Senior Researcher
Czech Geological Survey

Veronika Strnadova is an Earth Observation expert and she focuses on developing novel EO-based solutions for environmental monitoring. In the past she also had the opportunity to collaborate with the European Space Agency (ESA), while she was an Earth Observation mentor for the ESA FDL Europe summer program. She was also providing consultancy services for the European Space Programme Agency (EUSPA). Currently, she serves as a senior scientist, project and team leader at the Czech Geological Survey and is also actively involved in leading Master's and Ph.D. students at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. More specifically, she has been developing innovative solutions for mine environmental monitoring under the MultiMiner and MINEYE Horizon EU projects and is part of the Czech team participating in the EnVision mission (a future ESA mission aimed at studying the geology, atmosphere, and magnetic field of Venus).

Session 8: Fostering exploration success in Europe with the cutting edge technologies
23 October 2024 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Ballroom

The Multi-source and multi-scale Earth Observation and novel machine learning methods for mineral exploration and mine site monitoring: the MultiMiner project

The cutting-edge MultiMiner project pioneers groundbreaking data processing algorithms to optimize the use of Earth Observation (EO) technologies in mineral exploration and mine site monitoring. By harnessing the power of EO data from sources such as Copernicus, commercial satellites, airborne drones, and in-situ measurements, MultiMiner facilitates every stage of the mining lifecycle—from early exploration to operational management, closure, and post-closure phases. Through the development of sophisticated machine learning (ML) solutions, MultiMiner not only complements but also has the potential to replace conventional in-situ data collection methods. The effectiveness of the MultiMiner algorithms has been validated through testing at five distinct sites across the EU: Ihalainen (Finland), Hochfilzen (Austria), as well as Chalkidiki, Kirki, and Kallyntiri (Greece), showcasing promising initial results.

Session 8: Fostering exploration success in Europe with the cutting edge technologies
23 October 2024 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Ballroom

Earth Observation techniques for MINe lifE cYclE monitoring using ML-based data fusion approaches: the MINEYE Project

The MINEYE project aims to enhance Europe's access to vital minerals and metals, while considering environmental and social impacts. By leveraging Earth Observation data and technology, the mining sector will be equipped with effective solutions to minimize environmental harm. MINEYE focuses on developing innovative technologies for all stages of mining - from exploration to closure. The project has been showcasing its technologies at pilot sites in Spain, Sweden, and Albania, demonstrating their versatility across various mining scenarios. Employing advanced data fusion and processing algorithms, MINEYE leverages data from diverse sources including satellites, geophysical measurements, and geological data. Ultimately, the project aims to offer the mining industry competitive and reliable technological solutions for integrating Earth Observation data into their operations.