Vitaliy Yurchenko


Business Development Manager
Norsk Elektro Optikk

Vitaliy Yurchenko holds a master degree in theoretical physics and PhD in applied physics and material research. Since graduation in 1999, his career trajectory has spanned diverse fields, including academic research at renowned institutions across Europe and offshore oil and gas exploration. In 2017 Vitaliy founded his own company that has provided innovative on-land geophysical surveys to construction companies. He spun off another company in 2022, that develops AR software for surveyors. In the meantime in 2019, Vitaliy joined HySpex division of Norsk Elektro Optikk, Norway-based company the global leader in hyperspectral imaging solutions. In his role as Technical Sales and Business Development Manager, his expertise bridges the gap between customer challenges and the power of spectral imaging.

Session 8: Fostering exploration success in Europe with the cutting edge technologies
23 October 2024 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Ballroom

Hyperspectral imaging in geology and mining: from satellites to core analysis.

In this presentation, we'll showcase the power and the value of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in geology and mining through real-world case studies. From satellite-based regional soil and mineral mapping to UAV mine monitoring, sub-millimeter scale core scanning, and continuous ore grade control on conveyor belts. HSI is a type of imaging technology that combines spectroscopy with high spatial resolution. It measures the intensity of reflected light across a wide range of wavelengths, from visible light to short-wave infrared, in contrast to traditional cameras, which are sensitive only in a few narrow bands e.g., red, green, and blue. HySpex systems capture hundreds of individual spectral bands, providing information about the molecular composition of objects, and enabling mineral identification.