Deputy Director for Ecology and Remediation
DIAMO state enterprise
František Toman Education 1991 – 1996 Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Long-cycle Master’s degree program – Upper secondary School Teacher training in Chemistry and Mathematics Brno, CR Degree: Mgr. 1999 – 2007 University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Doctoral study program – Inorganic Chemistry Pardubice, CR Degree: Ph.D. Professional practice 1996 – 2003 DIAMO, state enterprise, branch plant GEAM Dolní Rožínka, Chemical plant technologist of uranium 2003-2005 DIAMO, state enterprise, branch plant GEAM Dolní Rožínka, Chemical plant head of the water treatment department 2005- 2009 DIAMO, state enterprise DIAMO, branch plant GEAM Dolní Rožínka, Chemical plant deputy plant manager- head of the water treatment department 2009- 2013 DIAMO, state enterprise, branch plant GEAM Dolní Rožínka, Chemical plant deputy plant manager for remediation and technology 2014- 2019 DIAMO, state enterprise, branch plant GEAM Dolní Rožínka, Chemical plant Chemical treatment plant manager 2019-2024 DIAMO, state enterprise, branch plant GEAM Dolní Rožínka Branch plant manager 2024-till this time DIAMO, state enterprise Deputy Director for Ecology and Remediation
Remediation works at Diamo state enterprise focused on water treatment
The DIAMO state enterprise mainly focuses on elimination of consequences of mining activities, including liquidation, remediation and rehabilitation works on the premises of operations and establishments connected with extraction and processing of minerals and other industrial activities, mitigation of environmental damage caused by these activities and administration and maintenance of the related burdens in the Czech Republic. In the context of elimination of consequences of uranium, poly-metallic ore and coal mining and processing DIAMO, state enterprise, pays special attention to environmental protection, with a focus on its most vulnerable component – water. Cleaning and release of mine waters in former uranium mining localities and other mineral ore mines is an integral part of DIAMO’s activities. Water released to the local rivers meets the legislative limits. This is ensured by a network of mine wastewater treatment plants operated by DIAMO across the Czech Republic.Diamo operates a lot of treatment stations We use technology of evapoarating, membrane processes, precipitation technologies and ion exchangers separation.