recomine Coordinator
Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
Philipp Büttner studied environmental geology at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg until 2011. Since 2012 he has been working as project coordinator for several re-mining projects at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. In 2018 he founded the recomine alliance for holistic mine waste solutions together with partners from industry, research and society from the Free State of Saxony, Germany. To date, the alliance has received around €15 million in funding from the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education, which has been spent on 17 R&D projects for innovative technologies and solutions.
recomine - Technologies for a Circular Economy in the Mining Sector
In order to fulfill the near zero waste approach in mining and to shape a more sustainable and environmentally friendly mining industry with maximum energy and material efficiency in the future, technologies are needed that meet the challenges of mining waste. recomine is an alliance of over 100 partners from Saxony/Germany who are developing such technologies at the interface of environmental and resource technology and society. A selection of recomine technologies will be presented in the context of the global challenges posed by mining waste and current results of the alliance will be presented, e.g. on the flotation of particularly fine particles, bioleaching of tailings using microorganisms or innovative exploration methods for mine waste dumps.
recomine - Technologies for a Circular Economy in the Mining Sector
In order to fulfill the near zero waste approach in mining and to shape a more sustainable and environmentally friendly mining industry with maximum energy and material efficiency in the future, technologies are needed that meet the challenges of mining waste. recomine is an alliance of over 100 partners from Saxony/Germany who are developing such technologies at the interface of environmental and resource technology and society. A selection of recomine technologies will be presented in the context of the global challenges posed by mining waste and current results of the alliance will be presented, e.g. on the flotation of particularly fine particles, bioleaching of tailings using microorganisms or innovative exploration methods for mine waste dumps.