Vitor Correia


International Raw Materials Observatory

Vitor is Secretary-General of the International Raw Materials Observatory, a non-profit, independent, international association that supports international cooperation in the mineral raw materials’ field, and he works as an independent consultant active in EU and multilateral development projects. Vitor founded and managed companies working in mineral exploration, mine permitting, environmental impact assessment and geotechnics, and he has over 28 years of experience in strategic management, innovation and organizational effectiveness. He began his career as a mine geologist, and he worked in mining, geological engineering and environmental geology projects in Europe, Africa and South America. Vitor is a member of the Expert Group on Resource Classification of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE; since 2014) and he is Past President of the European Federation of Geologists (2013-2019). He was member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Geologists (2007-2019) and he’s an Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of London. Vitor holds a BSc in Geology and an MBA, both from the University of Lisbon, and he holds the EuroGeologist professional title (since 2011).

Session 2: Revitalising Mining in Europe
22 October 2024 / 11:30 - 13:00 | Ballroom

2050 Mining Scenarios

This talk would present a forward-looking exploration of the mining industry's future, set against the backdrop of the year 2050. A pivotal aspect of the scenarios developed by INTRAW is the integration of a range of externalities. These externalities span political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal spheres, each exerting a unique influence on the strategic landscape. Understanding how these externalities impact strategic scenarios is crucial. They are the variables that can pivot a scenario from one trajectory to another, acting as both catalysts and inhibitors of change. The scenarios are designed to equip decision-makers with a nuanced understanding of potential futures, and the talk will engage the audience with the future of the mining industry, not as a distant abstract, but as an unfolding reality that we have the power to shape.