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INTRAW Observatory

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INTRAW Observatory

International Raw Materials Observatory ( is a non-profit international association dedicated to fostering global collaboration in mineral raw materials’ research and innovation. We provide information about best international practices, latest economic research, advanced data analytics and scenario studies, to inform strategic raw materials strategies and contribute to the sustainable development of the raw materials sector.
Our Focus Areas are:
Research & Innovation: We facilitate worldwide cooperation on cutting-edge research and innovation in the field of mineral raw materials.
Education & Outreach: The Observatory is committed to promoting knowledge exchange and outreach activities to enhance awareness and understanding of critical raw materials.
Industry & Trade: We actively engage in dialogues and independent expert analyses to advance industry practices, trade relations, and market dynamics in the mineral raw materials sector.
Recycling, Management & Substitution: With a focus on sustainability, we advocate responsible recycling practices and explore strategies for effective management and substitution of strategic raw materials.

Our services are:
Reports & Factsheets on mineral raw materials
A World Barometer that provides periodic reports on opportunities and threats relating to mineral raw materials provision
A Data Repository, which offers members access to background information relevant for the raw materials sector
Foresight studies on sector trends
A platform for dialogues on mineral raw materials thanks to exclusive high-level summits involving representatives of international intergovernmental organisations